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We Need an Education Bill of Rights

Conversations” and “Buddies” will play a major role in Remedial Education.

There are tremendous advantages that come from children having freedom to learn by following their own interests. By combining Personal Learning with small Supportive Communities, students are more confident, motivated, and self-reliant. We are improving individual achievement, and building life skills.

Conversations” and “Buddies”

  • Length of Conversations will depend on subject matter.

(Most will run 60 minutes.) Remote face-time can be substituted, if needed.

  • Frequency depends on availability of participants, and scheduling.

(Average twice weekly.) Remedial Education will meet 2 to 3 times weekly.

  • Students serving as Buddies will be recognized and rewarded.

Teachers will have additional responsibilities that will require adding support staff, to assist in: Conversations with Teachers; developing Detailed Lesson Plans; new procedures for Curricular Development; Socialization Skills Development, and Life Skills Development; new Reporting and Accountability.