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We Need an Education Bill of Rights

Dragging Parent From Meeting

Superintendents of School Districts (that will be replaced by Commissioners), are elected by School Boards; and, have the same history of corruption; abuse of power; and, civil and criminal offenses.

The Loudoun County case of a 15year old girl brutally raped in a school bathroom by a transgender boy, was finally brought to justice after he raped another girl at a different school. He had been transferred by the Superintendent to cover-up his first rape offense. The girl’s father pleaded for months to have the boy prosecuted, but was ignored by the Superintendent.

The man was dragged like a dog from a School Board meeting. He was then arrested and charged for unlawful assembly. Citizen Controlled Education will enable that father to go directly to the Commission for assistance.

The County’s policy of allowing gender-free bathrooms caused the rapes that permanently damaged and endangered the lives of two young girls.