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Racist Youth

Discrimination is not exclusive to Blacks Discrimination is not exclusive to Blacks. It afflicts humanity like cancer that must be treated and removed. America has done more to promote racial equality than any other nation; and, we’re not finished.

So, why are Blacks allowing Fascists and Bigots to use them as Victims to divide our country? The answer is their intergenerational dependency on welfare, which began as the “Aid to Dependent Children program, that was later renamed “Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), in 1962.

AFDC offers a financial incentive for women to have children outside of wedlock and remain unmarried”. Prior to its enactment, nearly 80% of Black families were two-parent families. That number now is 20%, 1 in 5 that have a father at home for children growing up.

There is no masculine role model; male guidance and discipline; no work ethic. Just hurt and anger caused by betrayal and abandonment of a non-caring father.