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We Need an Education Bill of Rights

Public Schools are not capable of developing courseware comparable to Hillsdale College; and, other leading institutions and content providers.

We have only to compare the success of self-educated homeschoolers, to failing public schoolers using courseware selected by administrators, teachers, school boards, consultants, government, and other biased and inept bureaucrats; to realize that the process of curricular development in public education is grossly inadequate.

Homeschoolers spend a fraction of the amount paid by taxpayers for courseware and study materials.

Homeschoolers spend a fraction of the amount paid by taxpayers for courseware and study materials.

Public school massively overspend and get poor grades

Competition to partner with schools will drive quality and lower costs.

Education as a business has two main bottom lines improving instruction, and increasing student achievement. Business policy will focus on quality, productivity, and efficiency. Schools will become performance-oriented organizations.